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What is Call Tracking: Definition, functions and advantages

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In today’s scenario, where consumers are increasingly demanding and difficult to retain, it is essential to understand their behavior in order to optimize strategies. Understanding what Call Tracking is and how it can help you measure the impact of your campaigns is a key issue for marketing and sales teams.

Carrying out well-structured campaigns is the best way to attract customers, both online and offline. Therefore, analyzing user behavior is essential to measure and improve results.

There are numerous tools on the Internet to find out metrics such as the number of visits to a website, the origin of traffic or the most visited pages. But how can we measure the impact of our campaigns when users convert by phone?

Call Tracking is the solution that meets this need.

If you haven’t heard of it yet, here we tell you everything you need to know. Keep reading!

What’s Call Tracking?

Call Tracking is a telephone analytics system that allows you to measure the impact of those campaigns in which customers convert through a call. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to know the real performance of each campaign and efficiently measure the ROI.

Although most of the products and services available in digital media can be purchased online, many users still use the telephone as a means of contact to make purchases or request information.

The same happens in the offline media, where users call the numbers shown in newspaper advertisements, billboards or other formats.

Measuring the ROI of our online or offline campaigns without knowing how many calls we have received from each of them is really complicated.

Thanks to the statistics provided by the call analytics system or Call Tracking, we can obtain high-value information for our marketing and sales teams. This allows us to increase control over the campaigns, optimize their performance and invest in those that generate better results.

You are probably wondering how the call tracking system works. Here we give you all the details!

Cómo funciona el Call Tracking en estrategias de marketing

How does Call Tracking work?

Call Tracking consists of assigning each marketing channel a phone number that masks and redirects (Call Routing) calls to your business’s original number.

In this way, all calls from your different advertising actions will not only be recorded, but you will also be able to monitor them to obtain key information, essential for optimizing your campaigns in real time.

Before you start tracking your calls, you should keep in mind that Call Tracking is divided into two modalities: static and dynamic, each intended for different types of advertising.

Static Call Tracking is the most suitable for offline advertising channels, such as billboards, newspapers or flyers. It assigns a different phone number to each medium, which allows you to identify the origin of the calls. In this way, every time a customer calls you, the tracking system automatically detects and assigns the contact to the channel of origin.

On the other hand, dynamic Call Tracking is the most appropriate system for online channels. In this case, every time a visitor lands on your website, they are automatically assigned a number that can be used to record their behavior on the site. This allows you to obtain key information about their interests, which you can use to offer them more direct and personalized attention.

Now that we are clear about what Call Tracking is, a key question arises: what advantages does this service offer?

Advantages of Call Tracking in your marketing and sales campaigns

Monitoring the origin of your calls and analyzing all the information provided by tracking and the results of the conversations makes Call Tracking an essential tool to correctly measure the impact of your marketing efforts.

With Call Tracking, you will obtain not only quantitative information, such as the number of calls generated or the number of conversions achieved, but also qualitative information, such as the campaign of origin, the geographic point from which the calls come or the search terms that generate the most traffic.

In short, Call Tracking allows you to know the steps that the client took before contacting your company.

Bearing in mind that, when a client calls, it is because they show interest in our products or services, all the information we can obtain will be useful to us both to optimize our marketing campaigns and to correctly manage calls, offering better customer service.

Without a doubt, the call analytics system (Call Tracking) is an excellent option to control our investment and optimize our marketing campaigns.

Would you like to integrate Call Tracking into your strategy? Webphone offers you one of the best options on the market.

Smart Call Tracking de Webphone

If you want to optimize the performance of your advertising campaigns and increase the effectiveness of your sales department, integrating a good Call Tracking service into your marketing strategy is essential.

Webphone’s Smart Call Tracking gives you a complete view of call tracking metrics, including the outcome of the phone conversation, without the need for integrations with other tools or services. This way, you can intelligently optimize your investment, segment and personalize the customer journey with greater precision.

Webphone’s call analytics system gives you access to virtual numbers in more than 100 countries, allowing you to follow your customers’ steps regardless of their location. All this in a simple and effective way, without the need for telephone lines or call centers in each destination.

The ease of integrating our service with other analytics tools and CRMs will allow you not only to optimize the results of your marketing department, but also to share the information obtained through call tracking with your sales agents in real time. This will help them maintain smarter conversations with customers and increase sales.

In conclusion, Webphone’s Smart Call Tracking technological solution, together with the extensive package of lead management functionalities offered by the platform, will allow you to manage and centralize communications with your customers, gain intelligence about your business, improve the effectiveness of your campaigns and, ultimately, increase your sales.

What are you waiting for?, if you need more information, ask us for information!