Your webpage is the window where visitors can see what you offer, but what happens when they have questions that need to be resolved immediately?
Customers are increasingly demanding and looking for a faster response, so traditional contact forms are no longer effective, and telephone contact is the preferred option for most. Integrating a call button on your website allows you to offer users the possibility of directly contacting a representative of your company, who will answer their questions immediately. With the web click to call service, you can optimize this process and improve the customer experience.
Not sure yet? We will explain in detail what is the click to call tool about and how can it help you transform your customer service into a plus taking you out of the competition.
What is click to call?
It is known as well as the “call me button” and it is a leads generation service whereby an user can instantly contact your company with no extra costs.
The visitor only have to click in the call button inserted in the webpage and type their telephone number. In that precisely moment the click to call service creates a double call connecting the company and the customer in a rapid and efficient way.
The users are assisted in a simple and rapid way which generates a high level of satisfaction, avoiding them to visit other pages, helping you gain new potential customers.
If what you want is to increase your conversions, integrating a call button on your website, will always be a success, and furthermore, it is very simple.
Continue reading. We tell you how to do it!

How to implement a click to call in your web
You are probably thinking that a click to call service will imply an important inversion or that an advance computing knowledge is required, however any company can offer this service to its customers.
To implement a call button, no additional hardware or software is required and it is as fast and simple as to copy + paste a code in your web, or if you would rather, you can use a simple API.
In addition, extra buttons can be inserted in your site besides the call button, such as mail, SMS, chat or social media buttons.
Click to call service, is fully customizable, which will let you not only to adapt it to the look & feel of the company but also to configure settings such as unauthorized calls, opening hours, number to display to users or limit the number of call requests, among others.
Not sure yet? Let us inform you about the advantages of the click to call service.
Advantages of installing a click to call in your website
If click to call has gained certain popularity in the last years, is basically because it turned to be an essential tool when it comes to convert, improving the customer service or gathering information, which would be priceless when generating reports and feeding databases.
The strong point of the system is undoubtedly the benefits you can gain for your business, among them:
Quick Service
The button calls generates a fast, direct and real time communication between the user and the company. Solving the problems of your customers when they exactly need it, allows to improve the retention and increase the possibilities of business generating new leads.
Free Service
Free to call is a totally free service for your customers (as they receive the phone call) and it is profitable for your business, since you only pay for what you speak and the rate is per second.
Improve the User’s Experience
The sudden reply to their doubts, generates a high level of satisfaction on your customers, as well as drives the fidelity and the recommendation of your brand.
Optimization of the Processes
Click to call enables to route phone calls to the suitable department, so your customers will avoid going through complex IVR operations and long queue calls. In addition, this service can be easily integrated with an analytical tools, CRM or CTI, making easier your marketing and sales department’s issues.
If you have already decided, we will tell you what to consider after choosing the service you will use in your website.
How to choose the best click to call service
You already know that click to call is the best option when it comes to improve the customer service and boost your sales. Now it’s time to select the platform to be used, but..What criteria should you take into account?.
When choosing the service that best suits your needs, you should lean towards the one that offers not only a way to communicate with your customers but also different functionalities that add value to the tool.
Although most platforms may seem similar in terms of prices and functionalities, there are differences that we must take into account so that the click to call service become effective making the most of all the possibilities it can offer.
In this sense, Webphone is the perfect ally for your business.
We tell you why!
How can Webphone’s click to call help you improve your business?
More and more companies are betting on this type of solution since the telephone contact turns to be an important source of income for the majority.
We know at Webphone that every business is different and that regular tools do not always fit your company’s requirements.
The Webphone click to call service offers solutions to contribute to the growth of your business, from advanced functionalities such as intelligent routing systems, call scheduling, video or chat, among others, to international coverage so both agents and clients can always safely contact , wherever they are.
In addition, the Webphone click to call provides real-time reports and statistics that enable the analysis of all your activity (number of calls answered, missed, after hours, duration, origin, etc.) and with other technological solutions (CRM, CTI, analytical tools, etc.), may allows you to always have all the information under control, achieving a remarkable improvement in results, saving time and optimizing resources.

Webphone is an Ipglobal SL brand, a telecommunications operator registered in the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) since 2015, therefore our services are totally guaranteed as well as the technical support protected by a SLA level of 99.9% or even higher.
We know that individual attention is essential, for that reason you will have a personal manager and technical support whenever you need it. In addition, we offer our services without permanence clauses or additional expense.
What are you waiting for?
If you do not yet have a call button in your website and if you are interested in testing our service, do not hesitate.