We are witnessing the profound change in the world towards unprecedented digitalization. Nowadays it is impossible not to think about a strategy through the Internet to scale and increase business. And not only so that it grows in terms of visibility, but to improve its productivity in terms of task automation, which allows it to go further compared to human labor.
This new era brings with it advantages and disadvantages. There are many technological professionals who will begin to gain great importance; professionals who must develop new skills to keep up with the change and not be left behind, helped by the creativity and knowledge necessary to make this happen. The darkest part of digitalization is carried out by the most “traditional” professions, traditional being understood as those that, a priori, would not need the Internet or new communications to grow.
In this aspect creativity comes into play. How can digitalization help traditional businesses, without this impacting job loss? Surely more than one of you have thought at some point that machines will end up supplanting your identity or that, at some point, certain jobs will be lost to increase more technical profiles. We believe that this does not have to be this way, but that we can get ahead and learn to take advantage of the advantages of digitalization to improve and grow traditional businesses, instead of fearing it and waiting for the end to arrive. terrible day
After all, humans are smarter than machines, right? Let’s see how we can do it!
Ethics in digitalization: how not to be replaced by machines.
It is important that companies understand the importance of using new artificial intelligence tools as an aid to employees, and not as a replacement for them. Experience is a fundamental value, and there is no machine that can change that. In addition to always needing someone who knows how to handle these new programs, you also need specialized professionals and experts in each branch of work.
To do this, it is important to know what we are facing and understand how to adapt a business, regardless of its sector, to innovation and digitalization. Start by thinking about the objectives to achieve in the medium and long term and how new technologies can help you achieve them. It is advisable that you do not just stay at the tip of the iceberg and that you go further, investigating different ways to create your niche successfully. In addition to creating profiles on social networks to gain brand value or producing different landing pages to convince customers to use your services or buy your products, it is advisable to take into account methods more innovative if possible, such as the possibility of implementing a web chat that facilitates communication or even opening a call center, among other options.
In this sense, software like Webphone can help you a lot to improve the relationship with your clients, in addition to making communication much more fluid, efficient and faster for both. parts. It allows you to contact your consumers in different ways, telephone, chatbot, video, SMS or email, in such a way that the user experience increases considerably and becomes a fundamental value.

Benefits of software such as webphone in traditional sectors
Let’s take as an example a traditional sector, with high online competition and in which digitalization represents the correct variation on the fine line between success in obtaining new clients, or little or no ability to increase business: the sector of the locksmith.
Would you be surprised if we told you that locksmithing is one of the fields that has been best digitized? Hence the great competition that exists, since there are many companies that fight daily to stay in the top positions of the search engine and thus increase their customer base. Locksmiths understood that users access the Internet when they experience a locksmith emergency to contact a professional, so the need to be part of digitalization became a primary objective. And they do it like that.
A locksmith business model that we consider has been able to adapt to change, and that struggles daily to implement technological changes and digitalization within its company, is cerrajeros.com. This company has been able to create a website with specialized content by provinces, offering relevant information about its services and a possibility of superior communication thanks to the applied methodology . Other important aspects in marketing, such as positioning analysis, reports, different profiles on social networks and constant updating, together with the diversity of its services, 24 hours and 365 days a year, places Cerrajeros.com, currently, as one of the leading companies in the locksmith sector.
Sectors that have been threatened by digitalization
In contrast to the good digitalization of the locksmith sector, we find those sectors that, until now, are finding it more difficult to take advantage of the benefits of this technological change.
Sectors such as logistics or transportation may suffer the consequences of little or no controlled automation. However, the question is how this possibility of automating the most repetitive or banal tasks will be used; whether to allow employees to perform other more complicated functions and those where machines cannot reach, or to change professionals for AI programs.
We will see how digitalization advances in the coming months and how the future of certain professional fields looks like. Whatever it is, we have no doubt that education and continuous learning are key when it comes to creating and maintaining innovative and necessary professional profiles for any type of business, regardless of the work sector in the one that is framed. Work on developing your own skills and discover your differential value to find your key role in the industry.

In summary, the unstoppable advance of digitalization is causing changes in the labor landscape, providing opportunities and challenges to professionals in all sectors, and although we must not forget that human contribution will always be irreplaceable in work experience and specialization, adapting to the new technologies will be the key to the survival of traditional businesses, which must begin to consider digital and artificial intelligence tools as allies and not as substitutes, as exemplified by the case of Cerrajeros.com.
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