Customers tend to be the raison d’être for any business. Due to this, the customer service has become one of the most important services a company can offer.
From the moment customers land on the web, we must make them feel special, until they decide to leave. Making an impact will become the differentiating factor that will help attend and retain customers in order to increase your conversion rate to sales.
There are many strategies and tools you can use to achieve this goal but simplifying the contact with your business for potential customer through the Click to Call software, will greatly multiply your chances of success.
In this post, we will explain why call buttons are highly effective in improving customer service and increasing your online business volume.
Stay tunned!
How to improve your relationship with customers
We know that the most effective way to meet customers expectations is listening to them. Because of that, the key to a successful communication strategy with customers will lay in offering them contact channels to facilitate the access to your business.
Many visitors use the internet every day to locate products or services they are interested in before purchasing them.
When these customers visit your company’s website, we reach to the conclusion their needs are aligned with your business’ offering, and consequently, the chances of ending up buying are high.
However, the problem arises when these prospects need to resolve any doubt, ask for more information, or simply request technical support. If they bump into any obstacle when contacting your business, they will most likely end up looking for other alternatives in the competition.
Long and tedious forms hidden in contact sections, costly phone calls or long waiting queues, obstruct any persuasiveness on the buyer losing consequently a quick impact. Nowadays channels such as email, social networks, live chats, or instant messaging are also necessary, but they will never replace the fluidity and personal treatment provided by phone calls.
Offering your potential customers an immediate contact with an agent of your company through call buttons, could be crucial when deciding to buy your products. Therefore, implementing a Click to Call software on your company’s website will allow you to offer a distinguish shopping experience which will help consumers choose your brand over the competition.
As you can see, ensuring a close communication with your customers throughout all your channels is one of the most important challenges when it comes to the shopping experience. In this sense, having a Click to Call tool will bring multiple advantages to your business.
Let us inform you about them!
Reasons to integrate a Click to Call in your website
Given that more and more people are choosing to make purchases or contract services via the internet, having an optimised and well-structured website is essential for all those businesses that want to achieve success in digital media. However, it is not enough.
Your website is the first thing your potential customers know about your business and although providing relevant and quality content is vital to attract them, it is not enough to retain them. To prevent them from losing interest in your products or services and abandoning the web, you must reconsider what other elements, in addition to good content, can add value to your site. In other words: How to differentiate your shopping experience from competitors.
As we mentioned earlier, among all the different strategies you can follow to achieve this, one of the most effective one is to provide your visitors with immediate and customized attention to clarify their doubts and concerns, and nothing better than a Click to Call button to encourage the interaction with potential buyers.
Click to Call is basically a button shaped widget, which allows you to automatically make a call between your website visitors and an agent of your company. The main advantages are the immediacy and the personalisation of the service, but there is more beyond that.
We will consequently explain the other advantages the so-called “call me button” brings with it.
Curious? Read on!
If you want to know more about Webphone Click to Call, don’t miss our post “What is click to call and why implement it on your website”

Advantages of having a Click to Call on your site
Customers are currently searching online any type of information, reviews, and opinions from other consumers to help them make the best purchasing decision. To obtain this, brands are forced to adapt taking the customer into consideration and providing them with any resource to clarify their doubts.
Taking into account that the customer needs to feel listened, the “click to call button” is an excellent lead generation tool, which will allow you to significantly increase your business sales.
As we have explained, with just one click, users who are visiting your website can quick and freely communicate with your sales team to resolve their queries. Apart from increasing your contacts, the Click to Call service enable a bunch of advantages that we will try here to summarise:
1. Improve the communication system with your customers:
Remove any waiting time from channels such as the email or contact forms. Call buttons generate fast, direct, and real-time communication.
2. Improve your corporate image:
The service generates closeness and concern for the customer, who with just one click, will be able to contact your company from anywhere and free to cost.
3. Improve your conversion rate:
Inserting a Click to Call on your website, will simplify the job of your sales team when offering personalized advice to undecided buyers, who will subsequently feel more comfortable when contacting your business through a free service.
4. Reduce web abandonment:
If you clarify your customers’ doubts when they exactly need it, you will avoid their abandonment in favour of visiting the web of your competitors.
5. Could be adapted to your website, making it more attractive:
The Click to Call service is 100% customisable, so in addition to adapting it to your company’s look &feel, you can define aspects such as opening hours, voiceovers, blacklists, caller ID, etc.
Now you have discovered that the call button is a perfect option to improve your customer service and increase your sales, it is time to know what criteria you should take into account when choosing the platform to work with.
Read on to find out more advice!

What functionalities should a Click to Call offer?
In addition to a direct and efficient communication system, a good Click to Call service should offer features that add value for both your customers and your business:
• Easy installation:
The technology must be compatible with any type of Ecommerce platform or content management system. It should be as easy to integrate as copying and pasting a code into your website.
• Multiple call options:
Some tools help shaped the system to a specific needs, so that the user can request an instant call or schedule it when convenient.
• International coverage:
The perception of you brand could be improved by attending and showing a close image to your customers, no matter where they are.
• Routing:
Click to Call should enable an intelligent call routing to optimize the best allocation of resources based on different rules, such as the user’s location, interests, or the best prepared agent to attend them.
• Configuration:
It is important to define the features to be displayed on the screen such as the caller ID, customer service schedules or messages.
• Security:
To ensure security, some services allow to register nuisance numbers or numbers that should not be called, preventing communication with them.
• Query options:
To provide the maximum control of the tool, call reports and statistic should be available.
• Integrations:
Integrating the system on your regular platforms will allow you to have all the information where you want it to be, obtaining better results in an agile way and without disruptions.
• Increase efficiency:
Cloud-based platforms allow your team to work from anywhere, anytime, on any device.
As you can see, it is not only about offering immediacy to your customers, but also about making the most of the possibilities offered by the click to call system to generate more leads and increase your sales.

As we have seen throughout this article, a customer who is satisfied with your service will always notice your brand.
Having a call button on your business website will significantly improve the shopping experience and will help you both to retain existing customers and to acquire new ones.
If you are considering offering direct communication, without costs or delays, do not hesitate and integrate a Webphone’s Click to Call in your website and increase your contacts with unbeatable conditions.